VERY NICE. SAVOUR FAMOUS BRAND whiskey AT GOOD PRICE. ps=We are seeking suitable bride for our elder son Kaviraj, we appreciate everybody's help, support, good wishes, good vibes, blessings, spreading the word etc, it is a pleasure to seek and get your help. thanks very much. best wishes.
(1) Kaviraj Shama Bhat Halemane (Kavi is now laid off from high executive position at iHeartRadio iHeartMedia in NYC and is looking for new job), age 40 years, DOB 22nd January 1984, approx. height 5 ft 9 inbrought up exposed to both indian and American culture, food, values, family, pooja, shlokas, temples, havyaka events, kannada events, knew and recited bhajans, shlokas when small, now rusty. also india visits, spending time with grandparents, extended family and relatives etc, also they did some travel on their own, including to india. knew and spoke elementary havyaka language kannada at home in usa while small, now rusty, upanayana done at age 16 at home in Howell, new jersey. our gothra is vasishta. kavi's star nakshathra is Uttara, jaathaka is there, will be forwarded on request, if needed.till last Fall 2022, he worked from home in new York, and lived in his own 1 bedroom condo in brooklyn, new York, NY(he is now living with us in new jersey, having moved back home in 2023 august) worked as executive vice president & general manager at iHeartRadio, salary about $ 200,000+ per year has BM degree in Music Production Engineering and Music Business from Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA , many hobbies and interests - comic books / arts, guitar, books, cars, movies, music, video games, politics, food, sports, karate etcinitiated and organized own music band with younger brother Shilpi and other friends, played at many venues while in high school. also produced their own professional quality CD, more info also on kavi's cell phone is [****], email is [****], the boy and the girl have to talk to each other, they must like each other, they must respect each other, be willing to support each other,and if they are happy, we are also happy, and we parents bless, and try to provide any help and / or support if needed. our role is more like a good positive catalyst, trying, hoping, praying for things to happen, for the best. from india, usa, elsewhere, caste, race, language etc no restrictions(2) Shilpi Shankara Bhat Halemane (Shilpi is now in wedded bliss, this is for family info only)he has just started a new job in food industry, after working as Head Brewer in Portland OR region, age 38 years, DOB 15th april, 1986, approx. height 5ft 9 in, lives in Portland, Oregon state.. in our house there.(now hired by a different brewery in Portland OR area only), he worked several years previously at Logsdon Farmhouse Ales brewery,in Hood River, OR, then relocated to nearby Washougal, WA, later to Portland, OR, he was Head Brewer there and managed the factory, products, operations, received many professional organization awards, salary about $ 45,000 per year, he has BS degree in Mechanical Engg from Drexel university, Philadelphia, PA and another BS degree in Food Science Fermentation specialty from Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, has many hobbies, skills and interests (very much in depth and fully talented in multiple fields, like professional levels) --- cooking, kung fu, karate, drums, guitar, books, cars, motorcycles, movies, video games, sports etc -- prizes in cooking competition, various home beer making competitions, guitar competitions, open mikes, beer profession awards etc, also, soccer, basketball, roller hockey while in school, he was strongly involved, organized music band with elder brother Kavi and other friends, played at many venues while in high school. also produced their own professional quality CD.also at, shilpi's cell [****], email [****] raya halemane & usha
13 eagles passPrinceton, NJ 08540, EMAIL = [****] is [****] for usha, email = [****] is [****] for son kaviraj, email = [****]cell is [****] for son shilpi, email = [****] cell = [****] (but service disabled now),